I found this quote from a man named John Atkinson in my RSS feeds. I thought it was appropriate given the current state of the renovations going on with our home. Some of you who may read this know we are getting extensive renovations done on our home. At least that is the plan. So far very little overall work has actually gotten completed. Excuses and unfilled promises by our contractor have left us stressed and wondering if the work will get done by the deadline (May 10). After meeting with the FHA inspector yesterday, I decided I had enough of being run and controlled by the contractor. I was letting the contractor convince me that the work would get done. He has been running my life. Well it is time to take my life back.
I don't generally like to play hardball with people. I like when people affirm me as a person, and I like to affirm them back. But sometimes you have got to put a stake in the ground and take control. The title of this entry says it all. You have got to take control (even if that is tough and results in being a bit mean to other people). In our current situation the stress is getting too much.
One thing I do not understand is how people feel they can get away with such a terrible work ethic. My kids know I do not "promise" things. In the last 25 years I have said that to my children and wife and everyone else less than a dozen times. When I make a promise it means I am 100% committed to fulfilling that promise. A contract to do work is a promise. You MUST come through. You cannot jack people around when you make such commitments. It is not just a legal thing, it is an ethical and moral thing. It is just not the right way to act or behave. Because I am not perfect, I do not feel I can make such commitments lightly. Things happen; life gets in the way. We all know that. But a contract or a promise is an agreement to put life aside while you fulfill your promise.
I really do hope this all works out with our contractor. He is a young guy trying to build a business. Unfortunately for him, this is no way to go about achieving success. I cannot recommend him to others when he has failed to even come close to our expectations. Ans that is what it is all about. Setting expectations, meeting them and managing everything that goes on around meeting those expectations and obligations.
But if you let others run your life, you will never be able to have those expectations met. Nor will you be able to look others in the face with honesty and integrity and be the person they expect you to be.