Friday, December 12, 2008

Welcome to Other People's Wisdom

Welcome to Other People's Wisdom!

This is a sometimes rant, sometimes rave about the importance of looking for lessons in how smart and wise people have seen the world and the wisdom they have provided over the ages and how we can use that wisdom today. By focusing on other people's wisdom, I am not claiming to be wise myself, only to show the world that some very smart and wise people people have left us a treasure trove of data, information, knowledge and wisdom. That way we do not have to re-invent the wheel. This blog is my way of de-stressing about things in the world that aggravate me. By writing them down I have a tendancy not to say them out loud and thus piss off sensitive people as I have done repeatedly in the past. It also helps me capture the voices in my head for all time.

Whomever may end up reading this, I hope you enjoy.

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